Because you’re not
satisfied with reaching
most children.
When standard interventions aren’t cutting it, a behavioral consultation can give your team a fresh perspective – and a path forward.
Empower your educators and service providers with insights and child-specific strategies, so they can help each child thrive.

​But with these few children,
they feel stuck…
Dana, 8
“Dana has level 3 autism and is glued to her iPad from morning ‘til night. When it’s out of her sight, she screams, bangs her head, and spins in circles. She even refuses to eat unless someone props the iPad up in front of her.
“I’ve tried limiting her iPad time and using it as a reward for engaging in other activities. But she gets hysterical when I take it away.”
– Elena, BCBA
Joshua, 3
“Since Joshua started kindergarten, he’s done nothing but lie facedown on his blanket and cry. It’s December, and he still won’t interact at all. I've been told he plays well outside of school, but here, the only activity he’ll join is naptime.
“I’ve tried giving him extra attention and offering him toys and books. But after a couple of seconds, he’s back to crying in his blanket.”
– Sandra, teacher
Dean, 11
“I’ve been taking Dean on outings since his father was arrested. But he just spends our would-be quality time pushing limits. He demands things that are out of budget or inappropriate, and if I say no, he blows up.
“I’ve tried reasoning with him and setting firm boundaries upfront. But every get-together turns into a power struggle.”
– Jay, mentor
What do these children need to succeed?
Your team cares deeply, and they’re willing to do whatever it takes.
​If only there was someone who could guide them…
Someone who would recognize the sweat and tears they’ve invested into each struggling child.
Someone with extensive behavioral experience who could offer a different perspective and fresh insights.
Someone who could help them untangle the confusion-filled interactions and zero in on the root of the issue.
Someone who could work with them to create practical, easy-to-implement solutions to address each child’s underlying needs.
Hi, I’m Ariella, a behavior consultant
With over a decade of experience working with children.
Using a blend of special education, applied behavior analysis, and psychology techniques, I guide dedicated educators and professionals through complex situations. All with a loving, child-centered approach.
And I’m here to help.
Your team has tried it all.
Which is why I offer something different.

Where others see behavior to fix, I see behavior to interpret.
Because negative behavior is a form of communication. It’s an expression of an inner need or desire that’s not being met.​
Once we recognize those needs, we can develop strategies to address them effectively.
So when a school, agency, or organization consults me about a child who’s acting out or in, we need to ask:
What is this child's behavior telling us about their inner needs motives and desires?
With targeted questions and collaborative discussions, I guide educators and professionals to a deeper understanding of what’s holding the child back.
With this newfound perspective, the path forward becomes simple, easy, and clear.
The burden of “What am I doing wrong?” falls away and is replaced with “I know exactly what this child needs.”

The result?
Empowered educators. Confident service providers.
And internally motivated children who feel heard and understood.
Because they are.
What are you looking for?
Expert guidance for complex behavioral challenges
Trying unsuccessfully to address negative behaviors can be disheartening.
During consulting sessions, I work with educators and specialists to unravel difficult behaviors, uncover the children’s underlying motives, and develop practical strategies for improvement.
Emergency intervention for extreme situations
Experienced educators and professionals can feel out of their league when faced with a crisis.
For extreme situations that require urgent attention, I provide intensive, hands-on support and follow-up to guide the caregivers through the crisis.
Preemptive training for parents and professionals
There's no need for parents and service providers to wait until behaviors become unmanageable.
In my lectures and workshops, I provide communication and behavior management strategies that enable parents and professionals to address issues proactively.
How it works
What to expect at a consultation:
I meet with relevant team members to discuss their challenging cases and the specific difficulties they're facing with each child.
Your staff shares the strategies they’ve tried so far. We also discuss foundational techniques to ensure the basics aren’t overlooked.
Drawing on my years of experience and education, I help connect the dots to reveal each child’s underlying motivations.
Together, we come up with targeted, easy-to-implement solutions that will meet the child’s needs.
Your team starts implementing the strategies immediately – and watches their interactions transform.